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Table 4 Sarcopenia criteria and muscle function status of COPD cases and controls

From: Association of phase angle with sarcopenia and muscle function in patients with COPD: a case-control study


COPD (n = 111)

Control (n = 111)


6MWT (m)

429.95 ± 76.59

565.97 ± 384.85

< 0.001

pre.O2 (%)

92.66 ± 3.92

96.29 ± 1.17

< 0.001

post.O2 (%)

89.95 ± 5.83

95.50 ± 1.39

< 0.001

5STS (s)

12.85 ± 4.13

8.62 ± 2.13

< 0.001

Right hand.grip (kg)

29.67 ± 7.95

37.81 ± 8.19

< 0.001

Left hand.grip (kg)

28.30 ± 7.86

36.85 ± 8.33

< 0.001

SMI (kg/m2)

9.89 ± 1.28

10.97 ± 1.21

< 0.001

  1. Values are indicated as mean ± standard deviation
  2. Independent sample T-test was applied for groups comparison
  3. 6MWT 6 min walking test, 5STS 5 sit to stand, SMI skeletal muscle index
  4. *The p < 0.05 was considered as significant