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Table 2 Participants who completed expected sessions

From: A RCT to explore the effectiveness of supporting adherence to nebuliser medication in adults with cystic fibrosis: fidelity assessment of study interventions





Minimum intervention dose:



Identifies the number of participants by site and overall who received the correct sessions/minimum, in any ordering, in the correct pathway with 75% as the cut off between ‘low’ and high’ adhererence

75–80% per protocol:



Identifies the number of participants by site and overall who received the correct sessions, in the correct order, in the correct pathway. This calculation recognised that participants in the range of 75–80% could choose to go in either low or high adherence pathways based on their perceived need for support

1st and phase review:



Identifies the number of participants by site and overall who received a minimum of a 1st and phase review session. This essentially identifies anyone who received the minimum sessions in either the low or high adherence pathway

2 sessions:



Identifies the number of participants by site and overall who received a minimum of 2 sessions which includes any of 1st, review, phase review

3 sessions:



Identifies the number of participants by site and overall who received a minimum of a 3 sessions which includes any of 1st, review, phase review