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Table 1 Baseline characteristics

From: Virtual bronchoscopic navigation with intraoperative cone-beam CT for the diagnosis of peripheral pulmonary nodules

Characteristics (N = 228)


Age, years


 Median (range), mm

64 (56–72)

 Age > 70, N (%)

157 (68.9%)

Gender, N (%)



133 (58.3%)


95 (41.7%)

Lesion size, median (range)


 Average diameter, mm

21 (15.5–29)

 Diameter ≤ 2 cm, N (%)

105 (46.1%)

Lesion location, N (%)


Left: 94; Right: 134








Bronchus sign, N (%)



200 (87.7%)

  Bronchus passage sign

130 (57.0%)

  Bronchus truncation sign

70 (30.7%)


28 (12.3%)

Lesion type, N (%)



140 (61.4%)


72 (31.6%)

 Pure GGO

16 (7.0%)

Imaging tool, N (%)



24 (10.5%)


80 (35.1%)


124 (54.4%)

  1. Values are median (range), or N (%)
  2. Abbreviations: GGO: ground-glass opacity; CBCT: cone-beam CT; r-EBUS: radial probe endobronchial ultrasonography; ROSE: rapid on-site evaluation